One pertinent question always concerns the boys who turn 18 and eventually have to leave
Shelter. The law does not allow them to continue in our institution since they would no
more be ‘minors’. So what about them? A few who do have families are repatriated. But
what about those who have none they can call family? Thankfully for these, Shelter Don
Bosco has an extension to facilitate an after-care program called Bosco Care Centre
which is about a 15 minute walk from Shelter. There is space enough to accommodate 20
young men in the age group of 18 to 25 years; in particular, those who show interest in
pursuing further studies or learn a trade through a vocational course. The boys who stay
there go to regular colleges, work part-time, and manage the daily chores of independent
living. They learn life-skills, time management, and financial management and also learn
to lead the life of a mature individual and live as a responsible citizen of the
Shelter Don Bosco, though a CCI (Child Care Institute), never limited its services only
to the resident children within the premises. But through varied initiatives and
collaboration with other NGOs, it has been reaching out to the neighborhood slums by
conducting bridge classes to slum dropouts, and also providing recreational facilities
to children of pavement dwellers and the like.
Every Sunday when Shelter boys are at play elsewhere, Shelter opens its doors to slum
children who otherwise would risk their lives playing on busy roadsides or street sides.
Besides the space, a variety of games and sports articles are also made available for
playing. Shelter is also looking at other possible verticals where many more of the
underprivileged could be reached.